Privacy policy
Trademarks, Copyrights and Restrictions
All material on this site, including, but not limited to images, illustrations, audio clips, and video clips, is protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights which are owned and controlled by The Flower Scene, its related companies or by other parties that have licensed their material to The Flower Scene. Material on or any Web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by The Flower Scene is solely for your personal, non-commercial use. Such material may not be copied, reproduced, republished, modified, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, including by e-mail or other electronic means, without the express prior written consent of The Flower Scene. Use of the materials on any other Web site or networked computer environment, or use of the materials for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use is a violation of The Flower Scene copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights, and is prohibited.
Collection and Use of Information
The Flower Scene collects personal data for the purpose of providing a specific product or service requested by the customer. Certain information may be required in order to provide this product or service, such as full name of customer and recipient, authorised users, e-mail address, billing address and contact phone numbers.
The information collected may also be used to inform the customer of additional products and services, which may be of interest to them. All marketing material sent to the customer will include an option for the customer to request removal from mailing or contact lists for any future marketing.
Disclosure of Information
The Flower Scene will not disclose any personal information such as your name, address, email, telephone number to any person outside of the company, unless the customer has authorised us to do so or unless required by law to disclose such information. Furthermore, under no circumstances will The Flower Scene sell or receive payments or services for disclosing customer’s personal information to any partner or external company.
A ‘cookie’ keeps track of the information you provide such as the products in your shopping cart. The Flower Scene use cookies to let us know that you are a prior customer and to provide certain features such as member options. We do not store any personal or financial information about you using cookies. The majority of web browsers automatically accept cookies, but most allow you to instruct your browser to prevent the use of cookies. You will need to modify your current settings for ‘cookies’ in the Options menu of your browser, in order to view this site. (You may need to contact your system administrator if you are on a network).
Internet Explorer Users
1. In an IE browser window, select Tools > Internet Options
2. Select the Security tab.
3. Select the Internet zone.
4. Move the slider to select the Medium security level.
5. Click the OK button.
1. Choose Edit and Preferences.
2. Click the plus sign () next to the Advanced menu option in the left column and select Scripts & Plugins.
3. Make sure that Navigator is checked to enable JavaScript.
4. Click the plus sign () next to the Privacy & Security menu option in the left column and click Cookies.
5. Make sure that one of the three Enable options for cookies is checked.
6. Click OK.
If you are still having problems please consult your administrator or contact us via email.
Offline Payment
If you are still uncomfortable purchasing online at, that’s fine! You can call our experienced sales team on +61 2 98823626 to arrange delivery. Alternatively you can fax your order, together with payment details, to +61 2 9261 0323.
The Flower Scene customers have the right to remain anonymous except in circumstances where personal information is required to complete a credit card or account transaction. The Flower Scene will not disclose the sender information to the recipient unless specifically requested to do so by the customer.
Privacy in email
In email communications, there has always been, and always should be, an expectation of privacy between the sender and the intended recipients of a message. Privacy is compromised, however, if personal information or private email content is shared with parties other than the sender and intended recipients without their consent. The Flower Scene does not share or reveal email content or personal information with third parties. Email messages remain strictly between the sender and intended recipients.
Unsubscribing from The Flower Scene Specials
The Flower Scene customers can elect to receive the The Flower Scene e-specials by joining as a The Flower Scene member and opting to receive our plain text or HTML email. At any stage, should you wish to stop receiving any of these promotional emails, simply click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email, or login into the members area and tick the Newsletter option as “None”. If you have any concerns, please contact us
The Flower Scene website supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 and above. Other browsers may also be compatible. Using a browser prior to the above may give rise to errors or other problems. Disabling features such as javascript, cookies and pop ups may also effect site functionality.
Trouble Shooting
If you are having difficulties accessing the site or parts of the site check that:
- Your cookies and javascript are enabled
- Your cache is cleared
- You haven’t bookmarked secure pages
- You have refreshed the page
If you are still experiencing difficulties send an e-mail to our web support area, providing as many details as possible to ensure a prompt and accurate response.